Neopets Shop Wizard

Neopets ecards. Autobuyer Guide/Tips!

What is a Neopets Autobuyer?
I really don’t know what this site has to offer since I’m a newbie, but find one with good/advance features. I use the Greasemonkey Neopets ABer.
Now that you’ve got an Neopets ABer….
Pausing: I pause every 20-60 minutes (Default Settings for PZFX), but its really up to you.
How long to Pause for? I pause for 10-30 minutes
(Default Settings for PZFX).
Pause Before Buying: If you have this feature, I put it to 300-1200.
Haggle: I pretty much left it at default, Smart Haggle!
Refresh Rate: You should put it at around 4-10, or maybe even slower.

The Shop Directory. Welcome to the Shop Directory version 3.0 with me, your host, The Shop Wizard!Here you can find a complete listing of every single shop in Neopia, including some of the more obscure ones such as the Hidden Tower and the Igloo Garage Sale. We've organized the list of shops into categories based on the type of items each shop sells and included a link to the Item DB to show. Neopets test your strength. Because you are able to pull up the 10 cheapest stores in neopia, you will be much faster in finding a bargain than a person refreshing the normal Shop Wizard. If you search a lot on the normal shop wizard, this seems to result in less super shop wizard searches, so it is advised to use the super shop wizard before you use the normal shop wizard.

Let’s Get Started:
I won’t go into proxies or Neopets ABing list, there are other guides for that.

1.Get your side account, NEVER A MAIN!
2.After that, you should get out a list and setup the proxy.
3.WAIT! Don’t start yet! You need to fix your settings. If you have a side account, I’m guessing its “new” to RSing.
So to make it a bit more human like, you should slow your settings down. Such as: Refresh Rate is fine,
Pause before buying should be slow!
4.As a beginner to RSing your not just gonig to become good the first try, its about practice.
So thats why it MUST be slow in the beginning, to make it more “human-like”.
5.Take it slow, don’t try and get greedy.
6.Where Should you Neopets Autobuy? Well, you should start to AB in the pharmacy, books, chocolate, or toys. Something simple!

Neopets Shop Wizard Search

After awhile
Now that you’ve been abing and taking it slow, its time to kick it up a notch.

1. Change the settings a TAD. NOT TOO MUCH!
2. You should still be Neopets Autobuying in the easy store, but should be changing the settings once in awhile.
Like a human, it will show slow improvement and hopefully less chance of being frozen.

Okay, been ABing in the easy shops for a long while? Then go to the “intermediate” shops, or you can just stay at the easy shops.
So now your saying, “When can you get to the harder shops? I’m getting bored.” Well, there needs to be patient in this. Patience is rewarded.
You shouldn’t go to those shops until maybe a few weeks/month. I know its long, but a few weeks may be fine.
(Assuming your side account is 3 months or up)

Other Tips:
1. Remember to use Proxies.
2. Be careful on what you do.
3. Think smart!
4. Transfer your items/neopoints very carefully, don’t just throw it all to your main, transfer it slowly.
Maybe one day, transfer alot. Then the next day, transfer nothing.
Then the net day transfer a little but my suggestion to you is that your side
account should always have a decent amount of NP on that account.
5. Have fun? D:
Remember, there are lots of neopets autobuyers, so choose the right one!

—Credits to SunnyNeo (not for the whole guide, just for the Easy, Medium, and Hard)–
– Book shop 7
– Food shop 1
– Bakery 15
– Petpet Supplies 69
– Pharmacy 13
– Tropical Food Shop 20
– Chocolate 14
– Spooky Foods 30
– Pharmacy 13
– Gardening 12
– Pizzaroo 47
– Grooming Parlour 5
– Unis Clothing 4
– Collectable Card Shop 8
– Fresh Smoothies 18
– Gift Shop

– Plushie Shop 98
– Toy Shop 3
– Furniture 41
– Post Office 58
– Collectable Sea Shells 86
– Petpet Shop 25
– Robopet Shop 26
– Faerieland Petpets 40
– Wintery Petpets 61
– Kayla’s Potions 73
– Legendary Petpets

– Magic Shop 2
– Defense Magic 10
– Battle Magic 9
– Collectable Coin Shop 68
– Wonderous Weaponry 100
– Royal Potionary 83
– The Scrollery 78
– Exquisite Ambrosia 95
– Words of Antiquity 92
– Magic Marvels 96
– Brightvale Armoury 80
– Merifoods

Nowadays there are a lot of neopets autobuyers, from greasemonkey ones, to java ones, and more! They all vary in their functions, so choose a neopets autobuyer that is right for you!

One of the top autobuyers right now is the Abrosia Autobuyer.

First of all, what is the Shop Wizard? He is a Wizard Jubjub that searches up any item you desire for you to purchase from another player’s shop. Remember that any items priced over 100k (100 000) are unbuyable.


What to put in where

Neopets Super Shop Wizard Free

What are you looking for?: put the items name in here. Lets say you’re looking for a codestone, then put in codestone. If you’re looking for a Lu Codestone, put in Lu Codestone.
Area – Shop or Gallery: are you looking to buy this item from someone’s shop, or their gallery? Because most people do not sell the items in their galleries, you would have a higher chance selecting shop.
Search Items:

  • Containing my phrase – most commonly used. If you were trying to find a codestone, they you would use this. If you’re looking for a paint brush, use this. Most people use this when searching for an item. What it means is it will search for what your looking for in all aspects (so if you search Kau, it will search any item containing Kau. If you search Kau Milk, it will search any item containing that name).
  • Identical to my phrase – if you already know what you’re looking for and know the EXACT name of the item, then use this search (if you’re looking up a Lu Codestone, you’d have to put in “Lu Codestone”, not just “Codestone”).

Min Price and Max Price: If you only want to pay a certain amount, or looking for items sold under your desired amount, use this. For example, if you wanted to find a Lu Codestone for 200-1000NP, then put 200 as your min, and 1000 as your max. No, you do not have to use BOTH min and max together. You can just use either or.

Neopets shop wizard letter groups

The Shop Wizard is located under shops in the navigation bar at the top. You will notice a little Wizard’s hat. If you click it, it will take you directly to the shop wizard.

Sometimes faeries will randomly give you quests, making you unable to use the Shop Wizard until you complete their quest or reject them. You can reject their quest by going to the “Quest” link they send you and clicking “I do not want this quest”.

Earth Faerie says ‘No! That’s cheating! You are on a Faerie Quest and are not allowed to use the Shop Wizard! :)’