A neoboard pen, (Full name: Green Neoboard Pen) is an NC Mall item that can be found under the Specialty section of the NC Mall. They cost 300 NC each. Buying a single pen will give you 25% extra space for your posts on the board and in both your neosignature and neoHTML.
Neopets wearable items. Sign in; Sign up; Forgot password? Username; Password. Please note: dresstoimpress.com lists products sold via Amazon.co.uk. Please check product suitability before ordering. SafetyNet Systems Ltd is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.co.uk. Dress up a Neopet! Select an outfit from various items, like glasses, shirts, and trousers. You can also choose different Neopet colours and backgrounds. Click on the categories to display the different types of clothing. When you find something you like, drag and drop it onto the character to change its clothes. Dress to Impress Neopets wearables made easy! Enter your pet's name Plan my outfit! Or start from scratch Go Choose a pet to get started. Plan my outfit! Or try your pet's name (but it looks like Neopets.com is ignoring us) Go Your Items. Track and trade! Make lists of the items you own and want, and share them with the world. Infinite Closet. Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! Dreamy Faerie Dress. Negg Stand Foreground. Tree of Love. Yooyu Trellis Arch Gate. Best Site Event. Hannah and the Lost Time Capsules. Halloween Costume Competition. Living with Less.
How does it work:
For your neoHTML you can use any font type that exists of one word. If the font type has more than one word, then it will not work. Below you can see a list of one word font types that you can use in your neoHTML. If some of the fonts below look like normal fonts to you, then you do not have these fonts installed on your computer, and therefore cannot see them.
Blue and green:
Green fonts are commercial fonts. If you do not have these fonts on your computer, and you really want it, then you need to pay to download them.
Blue fonts are fonts that you can download to your computer for free. There are quite a lot of font sites where you can download them from. Examples are DaFont.com and AbstractFonts.com.
Neopets Fonts
Downloading a font:
If you decide to download a font, you will need to unzip it. You need Winzip to unzip maps, or if you have Windows XP, then you can just open the file you downloaded, and in the top left corner you can unzip the map. After you've unzipped the map, right click on the font (the blue TT icon), and select copy. Then you open Control Panel (you can find it in Start, either in Settings or straight away), and then open the map with Fonts. You right click and select paste, then your font is installed and you should be able to see it on this Typeface Chart.
Neopets Font Styles
Neopets Neoboard Fonts Download
---A---ActionIsAdlibAdorableAdvertAdvocutAfricanAircutAirstreamAkbarAlbaalcoholeAlgerianAlisonAlpineAmanoAmazonAmeliaAnakronismAndesAndyAngelicaAngelinaAnhedoniaAnnifontAnotherAramisArchitectArchitectureArgonautArgosyArialAristonArtbrushArtistikAshleyAsmanAsrafelAswellAtomicAugieAvalonquestAveren---B---BancoBarbaraBatangBauhausBazookaBediniBedrockBelphebeBertramBlackforestBlazedBookmanBookwormBoomerangBraggadocioBroadwayBrody---C---CalibriCaliphCallistrokeCambriaCastellarCastleTCastroCasualCelticmdCentaurCenturyChachieCheeseCheriChickChick-fool-AChillerChinyenChromosomeHeavyComixHeavyCommonBullets(CommonBullets)ConnectionConsolasCoolveticaCopaseticCosmicCosmicTwoCourierCracklingCrackmanCrayonCreampuffCreepyCretinoCricketCroissantCroobieCurlmudgeonCurrencyCursive---D---DauphinDazeyDebussyDesdemonaDextorDDiediedieDinerDiogenesDiskusDMedDrifterDupreeDurango---E---EclipseEddaEdmundsEireElephantEndorEnvisionEnviroErasEraserdustEurostarEurostileExcelerate---F---FairytaleFantasyFelttipFitzgeraldFixedsysFlamencoDfloozyForteFreeportFrostyFunkhouse---G---GalledisGaramondGeorgiaGHOSTBAYOUGhostmeatGigiGimmickyGismondaGlowwormGoofballGourmandGraduateGodzillaGreetings---H---HaettenschweilerHancockHanshandHarlowHarringtonHartingHeffaklumpHelmsleyHome---I---ImpactIomanoidIsadoracaps---J---JellybeanJellyBellyJerseyLettersJesterJokermanJustAnotherFont---K---KabanabookKidprintKidsKinkieKirby---L---LansburyLetterOMatic!LettersLithographLoggerlumosLynx---M---MagnetoMarlett(Marlett)MetroMickeyMicroMicrogrammaDBolExtMilestones(Milestones)MistralModernMoonstarMonafontMonospaceMotterFemDMufferawMusicals---N---NadianneNasalizationNickelodeonNipandtuckNoodlescriptNorman---O---ODALISQUEOliverOnyxOogieboogieOreosOurGangOutwrite---P---PaintbrushPalladiusPapyrusParchmentParadeParseltonguePartyPASTICHEPeakePegyptiennePeinaudPenguinPerpetuaPepperPerispherePhyllisPixelscreenPlaybillPoohPorcelainPorkysPowerpuffPricedownPristinaPresidentPussycat---Q---Quadrit---R---RansomRavieRedensekRefSpecialty (RefSpecialty)RiddleprintRingbearerRockwellRomanRoughedge---S---SanliteSchindlerScrawlScreenfox9ScriptScriptinaScottSerifSexsmithShlopSimplexSnoopySnowdriftSquireSoopafreshStencilStereofidelicStonehengeStopStopDStorybookSubwaySUGARFISHSummertimeSuperNovaFatSydnieSylfaenSymbol (Symbol)System---T---TahomaTaxidermistTechnicalTeenTerminalThanksgivingThunderbirdThursdooTimesTrafficTrubbleTuesday---U---Unciadis---V---VerdanaVikingVivaldiVladimirScrDVrinda---W---Webdings(Webdings)WestminsterWhackadooWhutevurWingdings(Wingdings)WitchedWolfWoodenNickleBlack---X---XcelsionXoxoxa---Y---Yikes!---Z---ZilluncialZOINKFATZoloftZombie---#---04b03 |