Neopets Valentine Items

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Gift - This is the official type for this item on Neopets. Found Inside. This item can be found inside of the following item: Valentines Goodie Box; Click the items above for full details on how A Mysterious Valentines Card was obtained. The Daily Neopets Item Database is a complete items database with information about Neopets colors, emotions, weapons icons, and more. Wearables: Valentines - Neopets Item Database Toggle Navigation.

There are several hundred secret avatars that you can obtain and proudly show off on the Neoboards. Each avatar has a unique method for obtaining, and we've outlined them all in this section. Once you obtain an avatar, you can change it on the Neoboard Preferences page. If you can't find an avatar, try asking the little Arkmite to the right!

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By Category: Annually Available

There are 33 avatars in this category.

Altador 2018 - Moltara avatar / Guide

Join Team Moltara in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Kiko Lake avatar / Guide

Join Team Kiko Lake in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Virtupets avatar / Guide

Join Team Virtupets in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Tyrannia avatar / Guide

Join Team Tyrannia in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Terror Mountain avatar / Guide

Join Team Terror Mountain in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Roo Island avatar / Guide

Join Team Roo Island in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Mystery Island avatar / Guide

Join Team Mystery Island in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Meridell avatar / Guide

Join Team Meridell in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Maraqua avatar / Guide

Join Team Maraqua in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Lost Desert avatar / Guide

Join Team Lost Desert in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Shenkuu avatar / Guide

Join Team Shenkuu in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Krawk avatar / Guide

Join Team Krawk Island in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Kreludor avatar / Guide

Join Team Kreludor in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Haunted avatar / Guide

Join Team Haunted Woods in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Neopets Valentine Items List

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Faerieland avatar / Guide

Join Team Faerieland in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Darigan avatar / Guide

Join Team Darigan Citadel in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Brightvale avatar / Guide

Join Team Brightvale in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Altador 2018 - Altador avatar / Guide

To create the Xweetok's left ear (which is on your right side),simply make a curved line that connects the 'U'-shaped line you justdrew to the side of the Xweetok's head. For the Xweetok's right ear (onyour left), draw a leaf shape along the side of the Xweetok's head, thetop of which should meet the 'U'-shaped line that you drew earlier.Finally, link the muzzle shape to the head circle with two short lines.It's now time to start drawing the Xweetok's legs. Next, make a leaf-like shape that'sconnected to the head for the Xweetok's body.Draw an almond shape where the head and body overlap; this willbecome your Xweetok's muzzle. Neopets xweetok. Add a little nose to the muzzle, makingsure that it matches up with the guideline you drew in Step One.Make a wide, shallow 'U'-shaped line across the top of the Xweetok'shead.

Join Team Altador in the Altador Cup and reach Rank 1. If you join a new team the following year, this avatar will be replaced with that team's avatar.

Released: June 4, 2018

Neopets Valentine Items For Kids

Altador Cup Staff Tournament / Guide

Submit a vote in the yearly TNT AC Staff Tournament. (See: old image.)

Released: June 10, 2010

Altador Cup Player / Guide

Achieve rank one in the yearly Altador Cup.

Released: June 17, 2008

Gamesmaster Aaa / Guide

Was awarded for completing 15 Daily Dares and collecting your prizes in the 2007 Daily Dare, or challenging and beating AAA at least 15 times during the 2018 and 2019 Daily Dares.

Released: March 15, 2007

Blumaroo - Chef Bonju / Guide

Have the Mad About Orange avatar as your active avatar, then mix a Blumaroo Steak, a Gourmet Cooking For Your Pet and an Orange Juice at the Mystery Island Cooking Pot during the month of August.

Released: August 8, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Visit New Features on November 15th.

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: November 15, 2005

Neopian Times Writer / Guide

Get published in a Neopian Times issue ending in '50' or '00' (starting from issue 200).

Released: July 26, 2005

Plastic Fir / Guide

Collect from the Advent Calendar on December 1st.

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: December 1, 2004

Easter Cybunny

Send this Neogreeting on April 8th, 9th, or 10th.

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: April 8, 2004

Quiguki April Fools Avatar / Guide


Refresh the news page on April 4th, after the April Fools prank has been taken down.

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: April 1, 2004

Illusen Doll / Guide

Complete one of Illusen's Quests on March 17th.

Released: March 17, 2004


Visit this Neopedia article on March 4th.

Neopets Valentine Items 2017

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: March 4, 2004

Valentine Chia

Neopets Valentine Items

Send this Neogreeting on February 13th or February 14th.

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: February 13, 2004

Evil Jhudora / Guide

Complete one of Jhudora's Quests on February 4th.

Released: February 4, 2004

I *heart* Sloth

Complete the quiz at Sloth's Mind Control Laboratory on January 14th. (Correct answers: C D B C A)

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: January 14, 2004

Seasonal Attack Pea / Guide

Released randomly on one day in December via the Advent Calendar. (You must collect the prize in order to obtain the avatar.)

Since 2015, this avatar has been awarded on December 23rd each year.

This avatar is obtainable from the 2019 Charity Corner perk, In a New Avatar.

Released: December 4, 2003

Neopets Valentine Items For Sale

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