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WALKTHROUGH - Constellation 11 - The Protector

  • Walkthrough
Warning: This constellation is going to drive you completely insane.
For the 11th constellation, we're going to begin at the Water Distribution Plant.

When you get there, you will be greeted by a Zafara and Shoyru.
This plant controls the water flow throughout all of Altador.
The plant engineers greet you as you enter. 'Welcome to the Altador Water
Distribution Plant! We're sorry, but the plant isn't open to the public for
tours. You'll have to arrange something with our Civilian Affairs Office
if you'd like to see the inside of the plant.'

Head over to the Perfectly Flat Rock Quarry and click onthe path leading into the woods.

Two quarry workers argue in the quarry. 'It's a 'perfectly flat' rock
quarry!' one shouts. 'No, it's a 'perfectly flat rock' quarry!' shouts theother.

This will take you to the City Wall. Here, click on the faded square at thebottom of the wall.

Doing so will take you to a scret room within the wall.

An enormous, spectral Minitheus stands watchful in this secret room, hidden
deep within the city wall.

Click on the floating necklace.

'You are not worthy enough to pass!'
The Guardian, though made entirely of ethereal mist, projects a field that
forces you back! You cannot approach the pedestal.


Oh noes! Time to get worthy. Click the Continue button and then head over to The Old Follies Farm to check up onan old friend.

Farmer Follies waves as you approach. 'Hello there! Are you from the Altadorian
Water Department? The irrigation ditches near my farm have been filling up
awfully quickly! If the water flow doesn't slow down, I'm going to lose my

Uh-oh. Looks like something's wrong with the distribution of the water! Lets seewhat's going on by heading backto the Water Distribution Plant.

The plant engineers rush over to you as you enter. 'You've got to help us!' the
Zafara says. 'The plant's gone berserk, it's routing water every which way. We
don't know how to fix it -- the plant was designed by a mad wizard, and he
didn't write any documentation! We're doomed!'
The Shoyru shakes his head sadly. 'I always knew having a mad wizard design
our water distribution plant was a bad idea.'
Tsk tsk, you can never count on those mad wizards. Looks like we have to fix it ourselves.Click on the door to enter the plant, and prepare to pull your hair out.
The plant is made up of three different rooms:

You navigate through the rooms by clicking the door on either the left or right side of the room.Each room, as you can see, has either levers or wheels. The goal of this step is to find the correctcombination of levers and wheels in an on and off position. It's completely random which one will work for you.To help you find your combination, we've made up achart for you touse.This can become a little overwhelming, so read carefully. The chart shows the levers and wheels. The leversare on the left side of the chart, and the wheels are on the top of the chart. A lever that is down = off, and alever that is up = on. So the first row of levers are all in the off position. Simimliarly, a wheel that makesa + = on, and a wheel that makes an x = off. All the wheels in the first column are in off position.When you try a combination, click that box in the chart. So to begin, set all your levers and wheels in off position,then click the top left-most box on the chart since you've just done thatcombination. Congratulations, one possibility down, 254 to go. You'll notice that one boxis un-clickable, the one with all levers and wheels in the on position. This combination should never be tried, as it will flood Altador. If you do happen to flood Altadorby accident, it's ok, simply go back to the water plant and continue on with trying your combinations.Go through the chart trying each and every combination. Eventually you will getthe right one, and you will automatically be taken to this page:

The engineers cheer. 'You did it! The water's been rerouted properly, and
there'll be no flood.'

Yay! You fixed the water. Let's go back to The Old Follies Farmto see how those crops are doing now.

Farmer Follies cheers as you approach. 'Thank you so much for saving my crops!
We surely would have drowned in a flood if it hadn't been for your quick thinking!'

Surely you're worthy enough to click on that floaty necklace now? You just saved Altador's crops!Head back to the Rock Quarry, then click thepath, then the faded square to find out. Click the necklace.

The spectral Minitheus steps aside, letting you pass. 'You have proven yourself
worthy by protecting Altador,' he intones.
Examine the necklace a little bit further to see:

You pick up the necklace, and notice that its shape forms a strange pattern..

Return to Finneus to get his take on this clue.

The archivist frowns as you enter. 'A necklace on a pedestal? Guarded by a
spectral beast of some kind? Surely these are not the tools of someone with
nothing to hide. Go, find the next constellation.'

Well, what are you waiting for? Head up to yourtelescope!
Click here to go to the SunnyNeo Star Mapper

Find the pattern you saw on the necklace. It will look like this:
When you've got it, click submit! Congratulations! You've just found your 11thconstellation: The Protector!
Check in with your usual characters:

The janitor shouts, 'HEY!! Why are the lights off?! I was having fun looking
at them, all shiny and stuff.. RAAARGHH!! IT REALLY MAKES ME ANGRY WHEN THE

The Astronomy Club members don't greet you at all as you enter the room,
as they're hiding behind the door, waiting for the club president to return. And
just as he does, they jump him, and a struggle ensues!
The Wocky, Korbat, and Buzz manage to hold the Blumaroo. He seems extremely
upset. 'Unhand me, you vermin!' he shouts. 'You'll never get away with this!
This is my club! Mine!'
The Buzz notices something, and yells. 'Look! There's something sticking out of
his toga!' Indeed, there seems to be a little green flap poking out the back of
his toga..
Click on the 'Pull on the flap..' button

The Blumaroo's face is a MASK! You pull it off to reveal that dastardly Quiggle!
The Astronomy Club members gasp in shock. 'Goodness! It's Old Man Withers, from
the Herbalism, Mining, Underwater Basket Weaving, Engineering, Alchemy, and
Dance Clubs! He must have been trying to subvert the only other club in Altador
that actually had any members!'
The Quiggle seethes at you. 'And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it
weren't for you darn kids!'
The Wocky harrumphs. 'Well, your evil plan, whatever it is, has been foiled. Off
with you! I don't ever want to see you in here again!' She shoves the Quiggle
out the door and slams it behind him. 'Good riddance!'
The Wocky turns back to you and nods. 'Thanks for your help in getting rid of
him. I can't believe what a sourpuss he turned out to be. Well, the club charter
states that the club's Vice President -- that's me -- becomes President in case
the President can no longer fulfill his duties. Sorry if you thought that job
would go to you, but that's not how it works.' She shrugs.
The archivist says, 'And, at last, we come to Jerdana.The 'Protector.' Indeed!'he scoffs.
He peers out into the lobby, and then softly closes the door. 'I don't
know whether you've noticed this, but the lights above the statues in the Hall
of Heroes are no longer lit. None of them, not even Jerdana's. From what I
gather, this happened about the time that you took that necklace from its
pedestal.' He shakes his head. 'I'm guessing that the necklace was the power
source for the magic that have been providing you with the clues to this puzzle.
And, apparently, magically powered the gems in the ceiling of the Hall of
Heroes. That accounts for half the mysterious magic, at any rate. The other
half, that which has stolen our history, remains as strong as ever.'
Hepauses for a moment, listening, and then continues. 'I trust that you have kept
this to yourself. We must uncover this riddle before Jerdana learns of our
efforts. It is our only chance to reverse the effects of the spell, and return
our stolen history to us.'
He peeks out the door. 'I should do research in the main archives. I left them
unlocked once before, by accident, but this time I'll leave them open for you if
you want to wander around.'

The Book of Ages has a new Chapter!

- CONSTELLATION 11 COMPLETE - Link to neopets soup kitchen.

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Next Constellation
Book of Ages has a new Chapter!Obsidian quarry neopets reddit
Don't get excited, we're not done yet. Visit thelast page of the Book of Ages and click on the Darkest Faerie's hands.
When you do, you will see this picture:
Return to Finneus, and see what he has to say about this.

The archivist says, 'Strange, I'd overlooked that drawing of the Dar--' He hesitates
for a moment, and gathers his composure. 'The Betrayer. But you think it means
something, you say? But what?'
He plops into his chair and rests his chin on his hand. 'The fire in her hands..
well, it's practically her trademark. And the picture does resemble her statue in the
Hall of Heroes. Except on the statue, the flames are stone, just like the rest of it.
Perhaps there's some way to bring the stone to life? There might be such a spell in the
Archives somewhere, but the cataloguing system doesn't go into detail about specific
spells, just the titles of books.'
He shakes his head. 'Of course, there are thousands of spellbooks in there.. tens
or hundreds of thousands, perhaps. I wouldn't know where to begin to find the proper
spell. Finding the coordinates for the correct room, just searching randomly, would
be.. madness of some kind.'

To find the spellbook you need the coordinates for the Sleeper constellation (the first oneyou found). You can get the coordinates by hoevering over the stars. Your coordinates will looksomething like this:
Star NumberX Coordinate Y Coordinate
1st Star-5499
2nd Star-1469
3rd Star2639
4th Star6639
5th Star10669
6th Star14699

Once you've got your coordinates, enter them into the chart below to get yourlibrary coordinates.

Neopets Quarry Free

These are your library coordinates. Head over to the Archives and into the Library.
Click the door at the top of the room. Now, check your URL. You will see &arcx=0&arcy=1.&arcx=0 is your X coordinate, and &arcy=1 is your Y coordinate. Change the 0 to the X coordinateyou ended up with after all your math. In our example, the 0 would be changed to 15. Now change the1 to the Y coordinate you got from your math. In our example, we'd change the 1 to a 9. This is theroom the Spellbook is in.
Neopets quarryThe white outlines are the books that are clickable. One of those books is the book you are lookingfor. So get clicking. When you find the right one, you will get this message:

This spellbook contains 52,143 distinct spells! Which one do you want to cast?

Obsidian Quarry Neopets Reddit

Enter spell 29884. No commas.

Neopets Quarry Guide

Despite the page saying nothing happened after you entered the spell, something in fact did happen!Check the Hall of Heroes and clickon the Darkest Faerie statue to see exactly what it was that the spell did.
Click her chest area to put the necklace on her.
You place the necklace around the neck of the Darkest Faerie'sstatue..
As soon as you do, the flames on her hands flare brightly, beams of light shoot
out from cracks in the stonework, and a few seconds later, the statue explodes
into a pile of rubble!
A loud ringing sound echoes throughout the room, and across all Altador. Everyone
staggers back, looking very dizzy, and puts their hands to their temples.
Then the ringing sound ends. A minute later, Finneus, the Archivist, comes running
inside. 'Oh, goodness!' he shouts as he reaches you. 'I remember it now--I
remember everything!'
'Indeed you do,' intones a deeper, more profound voice. You turn to see King
Altador striding into the room, Jerdana at his side.
Finneus sees them, but he doesn't seem frightened at all. Instead, he rushes over
to Jerdana, and bows before her. 'My lady, I'm so, so sorry to have doubted you.
I didn't remember, you see--'
Jerdana chuckles gently. 'Of course,' she says. 'That was the intent of the spell,
was it not?'
Finneus cracks a smile. 'Yes, I suppose it was. Um, perhaps we should explain
matters to my friend over here.' He glances at you.
Jerdana approaches you.
'You look confused,' she says. 'Of course, since you knew nothing from before the
spell, you have not remembered anything. So allow me to explain.'
King Altador puts a hand on your shoulder. 'Let us adjourn to theCouncil Chamber,' he says.
You'll be taken to a page with a lot of text. Read it if you're into the story, if not, just clickReturn to the Council Chamber.
Congratulations. You've completed the plot!Check out the prizes!Neopets quarry

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