Neopets Kadoatery

Neopets release date. Since you are level 50, make sure to gather the points required for the level 25 skill Icicle, and the level 50 skill lens flare.there is now an item limit for drops in the battledome. You get faerie ability points from bottled faeries (which have also changed). 15 items a day, so its important to try and pick a good opponent.

Neopets kadoatery food

General Info: The Kadoatery is a place where 20 kadoaties are left behind by their owners who are on holiday. They are all very sad, and the only way to make them happy is by feeding them the item they are asking for. The Kadoatery is located in the Neopian Plaza. This is where Kadoatie owners would leave their petpets while on their vacation. To please these pretty kitties, one must feed them an item of their choice. Most of the time, what people would see are items that are above 100k, but not all of them want expensive food items. In fact, some of them can even be under 1k! One only needs to know how to.

The Kadoatery is where you can feed Kadoaties and get trophies based on how many you have fed: Bronze is for 1 Kadoatie, Silver is for 10, and Gold is for 25. You get a special avatar when you have fed 75.Some items that the Kadoaties ask for are unbuyable such as Blurfs and Vinaroks. It is said that the Kadoatery is where Kadoaties go when their owners are on vacation, but the Kadoaties in the Kadoatery do not actually belong to anyone.

How to Feed[edit]

There are three commonly used methods to feed kadoaties: use of the shop wizard, inventory, and safety deposit box.

With the shop wizard method, simply have two windows open: one to the shop wizard, and one to the Kadoatery. When new items show up, find one on the shop wizard, buy it, and feed it to the Kadoatie by clicking on the cage. This method is recommended for those with a speedy internet.

The inventory method is most often recommended for newer feeders, for you only need one window open for this. Buy a number of items, put them into your inventory, and refresh at the kads. If one asks for an item you have, click on the kad. It is recommended to have items of the same group, sharing a similar keyword, or are otherwise easy to remember. Sometimes people use the keyboard command 'control + f' because that brings a search window up in most browsers. If you type in the keyword you have for your foods, it can be easier to find an item you have during a restock.

Neopets Kadoatery

The safety deposit box is the most reliable when it comes to having items (if you buy enough), but it is considered to be the most expensive method other then feeding unbuyables. You simply buy enough to fill a few inventories, and place the foods into your safety deposit box. Have one window open to the safety deposit box, and one to the kadoatery. If an item shows up that you have, copy and paste into the deposit box search, find it, remove it, and feed it to the kadoatie.

If you buy an item with rarity 90 or over from the Chocolate Factory, you will receive the Chocolate! There are exceptions, but a good rule to this is if an item restocks for 5,000NP or higher it is likely to be a suitable item. Neopets Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Neopets chocolate avatar.

A fourth method which is more uncommon is to just feed the unbuyable Kadoaties. This is not recommended at all, however, because it is quite expensive for one Kadoatie. Although there are less competition for the more expensive kads, this is for a reason.

Kad Lingo[edit]

If you travel to the boards for times, you may see the following abbreviations or words. Here is an explanation of what they mean.


main = This is when the most of the kads will ask for food.
mini = This is when a few of the kads that are sort of lagging behind can go. Feeding a kad at a different time then the main causes a mini. See the times system explanation below.
merge = When both the main and mini go at the same time. If this happens, there is no longer a mini until a kad is fed at a different time than the main.
hn = had nothing (in the last restock)
cf = congratulations, feeders!
glf = good luck feeders (often said a minute before the main, as a sort of warning)
mewbie = A new feeder. Not a rude term, often used in a friendly sort of way.
going pink = getting the Kadoatery avatar
kad = Kadoatie
pend = When the kadoaties do not go at the earliest time possible. You have to refresh every seven minutes until they do go after the earliest time, and these refreshes are known as pends.

The boards show the next restock in a :xx format, such as 'main @ :23, pending.' This would mean that the main was 23 minutes after the hour, and the kads are late at restocking.

The Current Times System[edit]

As of June 2007, the time system is as follows:

'Mains':1. Take the time from the last restock. Add 28 minutes.
2. Kadoaties cannot go any earlier then 28 minutes after the last restock. Refresh 28 minutes afterwards, at the time you just figured out. Refresh at the beginning of the minute.
3. Keep refreshing every seven minutes until they do go. The Kadoaties do not always go on time, so you have to refresh every 7 minutes. (When the bulk of the kadoaties go, it is called a main.)

'Minis':Sometimes there are kads who do not go with the rest of the kadoaties. They sort of, in a way, lag behind. Figuring out their times is very similar. Minis, as these are called, are created when an unbuyable Kad is fed at a different time then the main, or when a kad is fed a minute later then the other Kadoaties.

1. You add 28 minutes to whatever time it was fed.
2. The minis must be on the same cycle at the main, so if the new mini time is supposed to be 23 minutes after the hour, and the main is at 25 minutes after the hour, you would round down to 18 minutes after the hour for the main. That way, if the group of lagging kads do not go on the first refresh, they have a chance of going with the majority of the kads.

Sometimes there are no minis, if they went with the main. This is known as a merge (see above)

(You pretty much only have to complete up to the second level. Splash Bash and Tomato Toss require about 5,300 points, which is also really easy, though not quite as quick as the other two.I also recommend Shenkuu Tanagram, and The Castle Eliv Thade, for 1k NP.Oh, and Six Flags Thrill Ride Drive. Requires just under 1500 points to get 1k.). (Sandy Mandy, Slow Moe Shell Shock, Splash Bash, and Tomato Toss.) For Sandy Mandy and Slow Moe Shell Shock, you only need 1000 points for 1k NP, which can be earned very very easily and quickly. Neopets 100k a day.

You can also go to the games boards and find kadding related threads there. They will be able to inform you of the current restock times, and can explain this more indepth if you are confused.

Neopets wocky. The Wocky is a furry quadruped Neopet, meaning that it walks on four paws. It is easily identified by the warm, thick ruff around its neck, similar to the Usul's, and its large, fluffy tail. The normal colour of a Wocky's ruff is pink, although some paintbrush colours may alter this. At around 50cm tall, it is a medium-sized Neopet. Wockies are one of many different species that exist in Neopia. As a general rule Wockies are bold and adventurous. They are often the first to explore new territories and dare to do things that other species would rather not. Wocky - wock-ee - Wockies - wock-ees.


  • The Kadoatery originally opened on September 10, 2004.
  • It was originally linked from the main Neopian shops map, but on May 2, 2006 it was removed. Sometime afterwards it was placed into the Neopian Plaza.
  • TNT's original plan was to award Kadoaties to people who fed enough Kadoaties at the Kadoatery. However, this idea was abandoned, because it apparently didn't work out.
  • Draik Eggs were once fairly common in the Kadoatery, but has since been removed from the feeding list due to the fact they were expensive, and taking up a lot of room in the Kadoatery. Due to the large amount of Draik Eggs in the Kadoatery at once, there were less kads to feed. Draik Eggs have been the only food ever removed from the Kadoatery Food List. [1].
  • Kadoaties cannot ask for Bakery, Gross, Slushie, or items over r95.
  • The original time system for when kads would refresh was that there were 30 minutes between mains, and you would begin refreshing every minute after those thirty minutes. It would normally take approximately 7 refreshes until they asked for new food. This system was in use from its opening in September 2004 until September 2006.
  • The second time system was from September 2006 until June 2007. It was very similar to the first, except you refreshed on minutes ending in 1 or 6, so basically every 5 minutes.
  • Until approximately February/March 2006, there were 4 instead of 5 rows of kads. There was also a kadoatie named chibi_kadoatie_kawaii_baka, but around this time the underscores were removed to make the name shorter.
  • On September 20, 2006 there was a glitch that allowed the kads to go at nearly random times, and red draik eggs made a short comeback.
  • At 11pm NST every night, the Kadoaties begin to cry, even when they are fed. It has been said that the Kadoaties do not like the dark, and at this time TNT 'turns off the lights in the kadoatery'.

External links[edit]


  • Location Link:The Kadoatery
  • Caption Competition:#638, #739
  • Editorial:158, 159, 168, 169, 192, 194, 213, 239, 252
  • Food Lists:[2], [3]
  • Additional Guides:[4]

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