Neopets Baby Paint Brush

Keep in mind that TNT doesn't always release pets on theirspecial day, and when they are released, they are usually adoptedvery quickly. Providedyou don't already have four pets, you can go to Create A Pet, andyou will see a picture of a Cybunny in the Limited Edition Petssection. For Chomby Parade 2009, TNT released chombies inbatches of 800 per batch. Neopets cybunny day. Sometimes on a Limited Edition Neopet's special day, e.g.Cybunny Parade, TNT will release the LE pet for everyone to adopt,including those whose accounts are not yet 4 months old.

May 16, 2002  The Daily Neopets Item Database is a complete items database with information about Neopets colors, emotions, weapons icons, and more. Baby Paint Brush - Neopets.

What is it?
The SunnyNeo Rainbow Pool is an expanded version of the Neopets Rainbow Pool. While the Neopets Rainbow Pool only shows images of converted pets, our rainbow pool offers more.
On each pet it will show you the date is was released and how you can obtain this specific pet-colour combination. Also you can see all facial expressions of all pets, such as happy, sad and angry. In addition to that you can also see how a pet will look without clothes, as well as which clothes are available (if any). As male and female pets look slightly different, for both gender types you can see all facial expressions. This rainbow pool also shows you what an unconverted pet looks like in this colour combination if it is available. On all older pets, you can also see what they looked like before customisation was invented.
How does it work?
Below you can see two dropdown boxes, one that says All Species, and one that says All Colours. You can use these two to find a specific pet-colour combination, by setting both. If you only set one of both, for instance Biscuit, you will see all available Biscuit pets. Similarly if you set the All Species dropdown to Kougra, you will see all available Kougra colours. Once you've found the pet of your choice you can click on it for more detailed information.


Released: May 16, 2002
PB name: Baby Paint Brush
PB comes from: Hidden Tower
Estimated Price: 600,000 NPS
Available From: Baby Paint Brush, Fountain Faerie, Premium Perk; Random Possibilities: Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water

Baby is available in 55 species:

Baby Acara

Baby Aisha

Baby Blumaroo

Baby Bori

Baby Bruce

Baby Buzz

Baby Chia

Baby Chomby

Baby Cybunny

Baby Draik

Baby Elephante

Baby Eyrie

Baby Flotsam

Baby Gelert

Baby Gnorbu

Baby Grarrl

Baby Grundo

Baby Hissi

Baby Ixi

Baby Jetsam

Baby Jubjub

Baby Kacheek

Baby Kau

Baby Kiko

Baby Koi

Baby Korbat

Baby Kougra

Baby Krawk

Baby Kyrii

Baby Lenny

Baby Lupe

Baby Lutari

Baby Meerca

Baby Moehog

Baby Mynci

Baby Nimmo

Baby Ogrin

Baby Peophin

Baby Poogle

Baby Pteri

Baby Quiggle

Baby Ruki

Baby Scorchio

Baby Shoyru

Baby Skeith

Baby Techo

Baby Tonu

Baby Tuskaninny

Baby Uni

Baby Usul

Baby Vandagyre

Baby Wocky

Baby Xweetok

Baby Yurble

Baby Zafara

Baby is unavailable in:Paint
None! Baby comes in all possible species.
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At the beginning of the rainbow lies the Rainbow Pool, a place where any pet with a Paint Brush can bathe in the waters and transform into another colour! Rather spiffy, eh?

Painting A Pet

From drab.. to fab!

Baby Paint Brush Neopets Jellyneo

Step 1: Obtaining a Paint Brush

Neopets Baby Paintbrush

Whether you want your pet to sprout wings with the aid of a Faerie Paint Brush or grow scales and fins with a Maraquan Paint Brush, you're going to have to get a brush!

Paint Brushes can be gained from random events, contest prizes, and even some dailies. The Hidden Tower also sells four exclusive Paint Brushes (Baby, Darigan, Maractite and Royal), but the most reliable way of getting a Paint Brush is to buy one off another user. Most brushes can be found on the Trading Post since they're so expensive, but the Shop Wizard may also be a good place to look for cheaper ones.

However, there are some colours that aren't available through Paint Brushes.

Lab Ray and/or Rainbow Fountain Only:Alien, Chocolate, Coconut, Clay,Custard, Garlic, Ice, Jelly, Mallow, MSP, Robot, Snot, and Sponge.
8-Bit Colour:8-Bit was exclusive to the Lab Ray until the release of the 8-bit Power-Up Potion. Technically, the potion acts similar to a Paint Brush, but you do not need to go to the Rainbow Pool to use it; you can use it from your inventory.
Fruit Colours: These are available for Chias if you feed them magical Chia Pops. With these, a Chia can become Chokato, Carrot, Orange, Pea, Plum, get the idea.
Mutant Colour:Mutant Pets come from Dr. Sloth's Transmogrification Potions. They can also be received through the lab ray.
Magma Colour:Magma Pets can only be painted by taking a dip in the Magma Pool.

Step 2: Going to the Rainbow Pool

Alright, so this part is pretty straightforward. First, go to Neopia Central then click on the small pool with the rainbow coming down into it.

Once you get there, you will see the Paint Brushes you have in your Inventory. Your pets will be listed at the bottom of the page with a dropdown in which you will find the colours available for that particular pet.

To paint your pet, just click on the colour underneath the list and press submit. (Make sure you check the right colour, because there's no warning for this!)

And voilà! Once your pet has been blow dried, you're instantly taken to the Quick Reference page where you can see your pet in all its new glory!

So, see? Painting a pet is as easy as pie! Getting the Paint Brush is the hardest part.

If you're having trouble deciding which colour to paint your pet check out the New Rainbow Pool, right here on JN! You can preview all pet colours currently available. If you just want to look at Paint Brushes, check out this search in our Item Database!

Did you find what you were looking for on this page?

This article was written by: DragonBeak

I would recommend it 100% and have submitted quite a few trades to it myself.The UCTTG (/ligthspark)While “tier” is in the name, this guide groups UCs into realistic, vague tiers that are based on real trader’s experiences. Neopets unconverted pets tiers. It’s not rigid and is nothing like the more popular “law-like” tier guides that need to go.Direct quote from the site itself: ‘It is based only on the direct experience of traders and records of past trades, which are fully analyzed and compared before being presented here.’Treid UC Value Guide (/treid)This site uses vague, realistic tiers just like The UCTTG, and also includes a section on how to break into UC trading. Just like The UCTTG, it only groups pets from the same colour into tiers, NOT lumping them all together.

Neopets Baby Paint Brush Cheats

This page was last updated on May 23, 2019.

Neopets Baby Paint Brush Cheat

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